THE GREAT MAN: Huberto Rohden


He is solitary in God and in solidarity with all of God’s creatures.

It maintains its way of thinking and acting independently of public opinion.

He thinks clearly, speaks intelligently, lives simply.

It’s from the past, the present and the future.

There’s always time.

He does not despise any human being.

It makes an impression of the vast silences of nature; the sky, the ocean, the desert.

He is not vain; he doesn’t go around looking for applause; He is never offended, for he possesses more than he thinks he deserves.

He is always willing to learn, even from children and fools.

He works only for the pleasure of the work itself, and not for the material reward.

He lives in his own spiritual isolation, where neither praise nor reproach reaches; But his isolation is not cold, because he loves, suffers, thinks and understands.

What he possesses – money or social position – means nothing to him.

All you care about is what it is.

He renounces his own opinion when he realizes that he has made a mistake; It does not respect usages established by narrow-minded spirits.

It respects only the Truth.

He has the mind of an adult and the heart of a child.

The great man knows himself as he is, because he knows God, and therefore he knows men.

(Part by Huberto Rohden and part by an unknown author)

P.S. – Happy Birthday my Brothrt Jairo Leal, my Friends Mauro de Santa Maria, Nielsen and abelardo! Nice day!

By Jucele

Julio Leal

Julio Cesar Leal

Football World’s Champion Under 20, Australia, 1993

Updated June 19, 2024

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