1 – Selling garlic: women and children always on the inside of the sidewalk. Protection.

2 – Hand in hand, a couple does not open when they encounter an obstacle. It shows weakness.

3 – Stand up for a lady, a pregnant woman, an elderly person or a person in need.

4 – Put the cutlery in your mouth, not the other way around.

5 – Do not open your elbows when eating.

6 – Do not chew with your mouth open or making noise.

7 – Put small portions of food in your mouth.

8 – Walk on the sidewalk respecting the steering hand (left arm with left).

In England, Japan, South Africa and others the hand is reversed, right to right.

10 – Speak quietly and audibly, clearly.

11 – When sitting crossing your leg, never raise the sole of your shoe towards another person

12 – Men sit with their legs crossed with category or little open, women crossed with class or closed.

13 – Always carry a handkerchief, pen and paper with you for note-taking. Tissue paper.

14 – Before urinating and then washing your hands thoroughly. Men and women.

15 – After urinating, clean the lid of the toilet and even the floor around it.

16 – Do not talk on the phone while driving. Nor do I close crossovers.

17 – Do not use your phone while driving.

18 – If you are going to drive, don’t drink, if you have drunk, don’t drive.

19 – Smile-smile-smile. Everything passes.

20 – Be courteous.

21 – Give in with affection, ask if the other person agrees to go ahead in a line.

22 – Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, thank you, please and I’m sorry.

23 – True handshake. No rubber-glove hand.

24 – Koalesko hug.

25 – Only cross the street at the crosswalk.

26 – Only cross when the signal opens for the pedestrian, and in the crosswalk.

27 – Never throw garbage on the ground, wait until you find a trash can or get home.

28- Walk upright, with shoulders well placed and belly inwards. Head upright.

29 – Greet people you always pass by, don’t make them invisible.

30 – Never spit in the street, not even in the air.

31 – Wear a tissue or the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing.

32 – When accompanied, if flatulating, retreat briefly to the bathroom or ventilated place.

33 – Never leave the bathroom door open when using it, intimacy must be preserved (Ibrahim Sued).

34 – When you wake up and get up, first make your bed (Grandpa Leal).

35 – Listen more and talk less, two ears and one mouth.

36 – Talk more about God, less about yourself, and nothing about others.

37 – Don’t let the right hand know what the left one hurts.

38 – Donate new clothes too.

39 – Use a courteous and polite way of saying no.

40 – Walk, run, swim, cycle for a living.

41 – Alms only for known Entities.

42 – When going to the bathroom for no. 2 to shower, or use the bidet if possible.

43 – Always open the car door for a lady, when she gets in and when she gets out of the car.

When an elder or a lady enters a room, stand and sit down only when she sits down.

45 – Bikes, motorbikes and others on the sidewalk, driver standing next to pushing.

46 – Don’t unnecessarily honk your horn or loudly.

47 – Noise only in those hours other than those of silence: children, the sick and the elderly sleep.

48 – Of everything you earn, part donate, debt, another part save and invest, in the future or in old age you will need: cicada and ant.

49 – Be good and meek of heart, like a great leader, but firm. Jesus.

50 – Kindness always, because as the Prophet said, kindness begets kindness.

51 – Never finish the meal before a lady, nor after. From Friends too.

P.S. – Leave your suggestion here so we can take you to 100 shades of good manners!

51 – Jamais terminar a refeição antes de uma Dama, nem depois. De Amigos também.

ZÉCASSO – Pomba Da paz

P.S. – Deixe aqui sua sugestão para levarmos a 100 tons de boas maneiras!

P.S. 2 -   Les Sensées

“La nature est dans le mouvement     

le repos c’est la mort”         


Cortesia de meu Amigo Dr. Miguel

P.S. 3 – Abraço para meu Primo Evandro, filho do Evandro, Primo querido de minha Mãe.

P.S. 4 – Parabéns ao Amigo e Vizinho Mariano por seu aniversário!  Happy Birthday! Felicidades!

By Jucele

Julio Leal

World Champion of Under 20 Football in Australia in 1993

YouTube: @julioleal5218

Website: www.julioleal.com.br

Twitter: @Julio Cesar Leal

2 comentários Adicione o seu

  1. jlcleal disse:



    1. Julio Cesar Leal disse:

      Bom dia! Lavei o banheiro do Julio. Suei igual a um corno! kkk. Bj


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